Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I'm goin' to Noo Yawrk!

Sometimes, on cold and beautiful Wednesday mornings, I like to wake up early and hop aboard an airplane to New York City. Haha! I'm just kidding about that. I mean, I do love to wake up early and fly to NYC, but I'm WAY too excited to just say it like I do it all the time.

This will be my second time going to NYC , the first being last June, where artists from around the country lived and made art in Manhattan, and showed the art in a gallery on the fifth and final week of the project. I've been so lucky to have these really awesome opportunities to travel and learn about art. I learned more about life and art last summer than I think I ever had in my 18 year lifetime. (hey- it's a big deal to me)

This NY trip will be a week of reunion between the city and my heart- one week doesn't seem like enough! I am completely and irreversibly in love with New York City- not because of the city itself, but because of the people, the pace, the smells, the art... the lost and the unloved. In complete honesty, I often find myself daydreaming about the city- sometimes in a way in which I put New York on a pedestal and only think about the subways or the glamor, when really the truth is that all of the good things about New York are there because God made it so- and not because the City made it so. I need to be reminded of that sometimes.

I'm flying up with 9 other people from the Charlotte are, 8 of which are artists from Winthrop University. We will be attending a conference put on by the International Arts Movement (IAM). We're heading up a day early so we can spend time touristing a bit, and then we'll delve into a world of art and questions and sketchbook(ed) lectures. Oh I'm excited.

[from journal entry 2/27/08 morning]

"Alas, we but chase feathers flying in the air, and tire our own spirits, for the froth and over-gilded clay of a dying life. One sight of what my Lord hath let me see within this short time, is worth a world of worlds."

Samuel Rutherford (1600-1664)

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